Monday, December 3, 2007

Finally a new post.

Yes, it has been forever since I have updated our blog. Unfortunately I don't have anything really exciting to report about our time missing in action. I'll just update you on Thanksgiving and the usual goings on in the Pope household.

Thanksgiving was fun this year (isn't it always? What other holiday is about giving thanks, eating, hanging out, eating some more, friends and family, and eating?) This was our 3rd Thanksgiving away from our families and I cooked the turkey this year (my 2nd time ever cooking a whole turkey). It turned out really yummy and moist. In fact I'm sure if I had said how moist the turkey was one more time Damon might have thrown it at me. The secret to a really moist turkey is to stuff it with apples, onions, and celery-Just a hint! I also made the rolls and Lemon Meringue Pie! Lemon meringue pie is my favorite so I make it every year. The problem is that I make them so infrequently that they take me FOREVER to make. Oh well, one yummy bite and all of the hard work is forgotten...well almost.

Damon played a little neighborhood football game in the morning and it was freezing! I was glad I wasn't out there. My friend Crystal braved the cold for a few pictures of the tough football players. (Check out her blog by clicking on her name)
We had dinner at our friend's the Dixons with the Flemings joining us. The kids just ran wild and had a great time. Hannah thinks that she is one of the big kids (Max and Brenna are 2) and tried to get right in the mix.

Thanksgiving at the Dixon's. Don't you love Hannah's hair and smile?

Damon got the whole week of Thanksgiving off and we sure enjoyed having him home. It was nice to be able to take a shower without a little person peeking in at me every few seconds. Hannah enjoyed having Damon home and followed him everywhere. Hannah loves to read books (she could do it ALL day) and Damon was so great to read Princess Bear, Elmo Loves You, Humpty Dumpty, Wheels on the Bus and her other stack of favorites over and over and over. Damon got to go fishing a couple of times with his friend Bren Dixon during their week off and just enjoyed spending time with his family.

Okay, I know this is turning into the longest post you've ever seen, but I had to include some funny pictures of Hannah (it wouldn't be a real post without pictures of Hannah)! We got out the Christmas stuff the day after Thanksgiving and Hannah found this elf hat and thought it was way cool with the bell on it and everything. Here she is modeling it for us.

I also bought her a new hat and mitten set at Target. The mittens are attached to the top of the hat and it kind of made her look like a bunny.

I love the tongue sticking out.

Notice she has a book. That is how she usually looks!

Sorry this was such a long post. I guess that is what I get for not posting more regularly. We'll be heading out of town for Christmas on the 15th so there may not be a post for a while but I'll be sure to update all of my followers (oh wait, do I have any of those?) when I get back. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

9 People who care:

Carissa Poyfair said...

Cute pictures of Hannah. I wish Jack would read as much as Hannah. He just chews the books, although he loves Dora books. Glad your Thanksgiving was lots of fun. I should try your lemon meringue pie. I don't think I've ever tried that. Anyway, have a fun Christmas with your family.

Jordan and Danny said...

I like long blogs, but maybe that's because mine usually end up to be. Hannah is so cute with her books. McKay was like that a few months ago. He still loves books but loves balls more. Sometimes he shuts his bedroom door just so he can have alone time with his books. so fun. Glad you guys are doing well!

KTLADY said...

I am one of your blog-followers, in case you were wanting a head count. :) I'm impressed that you made a turkey dinner. By the way, do you make the same rolls your mom does? Mmmmmm..... those are the best rolls in the world. I wish I could make those! Now I am hungry. Anyway, hope you guys are doing well! Love you! Katie

KTLADY said...

PS.... wasn't Kim & Paul's baby due yesterday? Do you have any updates on that????????

B-Hams said...

I love Hannahs fashion show, those hats look so cute on her. I also love the Thanksgiving hair!

Elise said...

I'm the same way with my posts lately, but don't worry, they're fun to read! We'll miss you guys when you're gone for Christmas, hope you have a good one!

Harper said...

Hey Fellow Bobcats!
Even though the ten year reunion is still a couple years off, we are going to start collecting contact information now, so that maybe by the time the reunion rolls around we will be in contact with most members of our class... So here is what YOU need to do:
1- Reply to this address - - please send your current mailing address and the email address that you use most reliably. Your email will be saved in the contacts list so that we can send information about the next reunion.
2- Forward this email to anyone from the MHS class of 2000 that you are in contact with.
Hopefully we can network and get lots of people in the address book. We are depending on YOU to help out with this so that we can be in contact with everyone and have a great reunion!

Hope to hear from you soon!
Elaine Lovell Lake

Carrie Anne said...

Hi! It's Carrie Rhodes and I just found your blog through someone else's...can't remember who I was stalking.:) Anyway, fun to keep up with you! Our blog is:

Have a great holiday!

PS-Hannah is darling!

Emily said...

So those pictures are SO CUTE!! All of them! It's so cute that she followed Damon around...she must love her dad!

Thanks for posting...don't wait so long next time!