Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The many hats of Hannah

Unlike a lot of kids I know, Hannah really likes hats. Even as a baby she kept them on pretty well. I have some fun pictures of her in her different hats that I just wanted to post since nothing else is going on here. I don't have any of the pictures from when she was really little on my computer, but there are plenty of them to fill this post!

Now for the hats of past and present:
July 2007 at the Strawberry Festival in Kirtland, OH.

At our Halloween (2007) play group.

She wore this for over 2 hours at the play group without bothering it once! I used this at church last week and she found it and wanted to wear it around the house all the while roaring like a lion. It is such a cute little roar but not very ferocious I'm afraid.

My little yogurt elf! December 2007

Her winter hat I got at Target with the mittens still attached to the top. She frequently brings me this one and wants to wear it around the house and doesn't usually complain when I make her wear it when we go out.

At my parents' house wearing Grandpa's hat. January 2008

Wearing the St. Patrick's Day hat. She thought it was so funny to walk around the house with the hat like this. She'd get so upset if we took it off. It was pretty entertaining watching her walk into walls, etc. because she couldn't see, but she wanted to wear the hat like this on several occasions.

Gangsta Hannah wearing Dad's Indians hat.

She's pretty funny. We sure love her and she keeps us laughing every day. Sorry I don't have anything more exciting to post about. Damon and I did narrow our names for girl #2 down last night. Feel free to vote for your fav on our poll but please note that despite which name is winning we will ultimately decide which we like best. :) Oh, my food storage is supposed to be arriving on Friday so expect an update on that in the near future. Spring break is next week so hopefully I'll have something more exciting to post about. Until then, TTFN.

6 People who care:

Emily said...

I love this post! I totally wanted to do a hat post, but Easton doesn't keep hats on!! She's so cute!

Chelsea said...

What a cute hat girl! Kadin is one of the hat-hating kids, probably because he ALWAYS had to wear one for the first couple months of his life.

Rachel said...

Cute pictures and hats! You are so lucky I tried and tried with Rylynn and she just wouldn't keep them on. I was really sad too since she was a baldy for several months. Hannah is such a cutie! How is your pregnancy going?

The Roderick Family said...

It was good to hear from you, sorry it took a while to get back to you. I am excited for you guys and your second baby. Hannah is very cute! How much school does Damon have left?

Harper said...

This is a great post, Miriam!

You have one heck of a beautiful daughter! :)

The Powell-Mirci Family! said...

We like the daddy hat one! We would pay to have our boys keep their hats on! You are so lucky! She will probably have such beautiful hair you'll never want to cover it with hats later! We like the name Ella. We have a friend named that too!