Saturday, June 28, 2008

38 Down, 2 to go!

I went to the midwife yesterday for my weekly appointment (I'm hoping it will be my last!) I am about 38 weeks along now and the baby is considered full term. Not a whole lot going on down there if you know what I mean, but the baby had dropped, her head is engaged, and I am dilated to a 1. The midwife estimated the baby in the 7 lb range - I can do that! She also thinks that I will go quickly...I hope her definition of quickly and mine are the same. I guess we'll find out if baby Myah agrees with that. Damon keeps reminding me that he has 2 competencies (practical tests basically) on Monday and Tuesday and not to have the baby then (Like I have ANY control over it!) Personally, I am shooting for next Thursday-ish. Labor and delivery nurses swear that more babies are born on full moons and Thursday is a full moon so I'm hoping for that. Anyway, that's just a little update on that for those of you who were wondering (don't know who really cares as much as me!)

Here is that latest big belly photo at 38 weeks.

8 People who care:

Carissa Poyfair said...

Miriam, you are such a cute pregnant mama! Keep us all posted on your progress. I can't believe you are at a one already! Woohoo!

Rachel said...

If you have your baby before me I'm going to be really depressed! I'm a week overdue today and still nothing, no effacement, no dilation, nothing. If there's no change, I get enduced on Tuesday, so maybe I'll beat you after all! j/k! Wish me luck! Has Lauren had her baby yet?

Rachel said...

Miriam, you look so dang cute! I can't believe you are already due! I love the name Myah by the way. Can't wait to see her. Is Hannah getting excited to be a big sister?

The Roderick Family said...

How exciting to be so close. Keep us posted and put up lots of pictures!

Dal and Nat said...

Miriam!!! You are to stinkin' cute! I wish I looked so cute when I was expecting. Good luck let us know when she arrives!

Kristin said...

Yeah...the countdown is on! I can't believe she's almost here! It's gone by so least for me :)

Summer said...

You are a dang cute preggie mama! I can't wait for an update! Is Myah here yet?

Summer said...

I just heard the good news from Carissa! Congrats!! I hope you're both doing well!