While I was catching up on my blogs I noticed that someone tagged me. This is one I haven't done so here it goes:
A-Attached or Single?- Attached, in more ways than one at the moment (baby due in 7 weeks)
B-Best Friend?- Damon
C-Cake or Pie?- probably pie, Apple or Lemon Meringue
D-Day of Choice?- Probably Saturday because that is when Damon is home.
E-Essential Item?- I've gotten pretty used to having the Internet and I don't know if I would do without it any more.
F- Favorite color?- blue
G-Gummy Bears or Worms?- Worms, but I also love cinnamon bears!
H-Hometown?- Rexburg, Idaho
I-Favorite Indulgence?- Ice cream I guess
J-January or July?- Probably July...except in 90 degree weather with 90 % humidity
K-Kids?- Hannah, 19 months, Myah (probably) -7 weeks.
L-Life isn't complete without?- Family
M-Marriage Date?- April 26, 2003
N-Number of brothers and sisters? 2 brothers, 3 sisters
O-Oranges or Apples?- I really like them both
P-Phobia and Fears? It used to be spiders, but I'm trying to be a big girl and outgrow that. I am kind of claustrophobic though.
Q-Quote?- Men take care not to make women weep, for God count's their tears. This is supposed to be attributed to Thomas S. Monson but I don't know if he really said it or not.
R-Reason to smile?- I have a wonderful life! My second baby is due in 7 weeks!
S-Season of choice?- Spring or Fall in Cleveland. They are beautiful here.
T-Tag ten people?- Do ten people read this? Carissa, Elise, Summer A., Misty, Cara, Emily, Jordan, Rachel R., Chelsea, & Kim.
U-Unknown fact about me?- I am really accident prone when it comes to winter sports. I broke my leg while skiing and broke my collar bone (left clavicle for all of you doctors out there) snowboarding.
V-Vegetable?- I like most of them, green beans, corn, salad...etc.
W-Worst habit?- procrastination
Y-Your favorite food?- Mexican food
Z-Zodiac Sign?- Aries
Monday, May 26, 2008
Deep thoughts from Miriam at 9:44 PM 3 People who care
Idaho update
One of Hannah's favorite things about Grammy and Grandpa's house (besides having a big yard to run around in, the dog, and cat) is the SWING! She loves to swing and would beg anyone who would listen and take pity on her to take her outside and swing. I think she only fell off 3 times. :)
Hannah, Rya, and Anna (before all of the tears started...Hannah looks very happy to be doing this doesn't she?)
Hannah trying to cheer Rya up. Hannah loved Rya. Rya is so good natured that she put up with Hannah trying to hold her, pick her up, and give her her pluggy (pacifier). We loved being able to spend time with Paul, Kim and Rya who were also visiting while we were there.
Uncle Greg and Hannah on the lawn mower. Hannah had so many people to play with and entertain her while we were there. She loved all of the attention....so did I!
We had a great time seeing everyone and were sad to leave. We love you all and wish we could see you more often!
Deep thoughts from Miriam at 9:12 PM 1 People who care
We're Back!
We had a great trip visiting both Damon's family in Oregon and my family in Idaho. Hannah was a trooper and did really well considering what we put her through. Our flight to Oregon left at 6:20 am which meant that we had to be at the airport by 5:00 am. Despite this Hannah did pretty well. We traveled for 13 hours including layovers and driving from Portland to Damon's folks. She was pretty tired but still such a good little thing.
She fit so I guess she's a carryon....until October when she turns 2. Then she has to get her own seat.
One of the most fun things about going to Oregon was the fact that NOBODY knew we were coming! We had been thinking about going back West to visit our families but hadn't decided if we were going to or not so we didn't want to say anything to Damon's mom (Lisa) to get her hopes up. We finally decided we were going to go on Tuesday, May 6. Lisa's birthday is on May 3 so we thought it would be really fun to surprise her and just tell her that her birthday present was going to be a little bit late. She had NO idea. We didn't even tell Damon's dad so he couldn't somehow let it slip. We showed up outside Lisa's work on Tuesday. She happened to be outside so we just drove up and rolled down the window and asked for directions to the Costco. It took her a few seconds to register who we were and a few min. more to get over the shock. It was so fun! Then she had to think of something to get Damon's dad (Wade) to come home without spilling the beans. We had a really good visit with Damon's folks and 2 of his brothers. Damon even got to go with his dad and brothers on the annual Father and Son's outing. Lisa and I got to enjoy a nice relaxing evening at home watching chick flicks (a rarity for her in a house full of boys!) It was nice to be able to spend Mother's Day there too. Wade made a delicious prime rib and the boys cleaned up the kitchen. We had a really good time and were so happy we could spend some time with them.
Hannah had so much fun playing with her Uncle Austin.
Trying to escape from Great Grandma Pope.
Lisa with her boys on Mother's Day...except Anthony. Anthony and Janet we missed you!
Deep thoughts from Miriam at 8:38 PM 0 People who care