Monday, May 26, 2008

Idaho update

After a week in Oregon we headed to Idaho for a week. We got to see all of my family except my dad and sister Rachel who were in Europe. It wasn't the greatest timing for my mom since she was leaving for Europe the day we flew home but you do what you can, right? We mostly just hung out and tried to help my mom get things ready to go before her trip.

One of the chores on the to do list was to plant the garden. The weather was beautiful so even Hannah wanted to help. Damon and my 2 brothers got an additional chore and spent 2 days roofing 1/2 of my parent's maybe I should say it was a lot of hanging out for me and a lot of work for Damon. In all fairness to my mom she did not assign this chore. My brother, Paul, volunteered to do it on his day off and Damon and Greg kind of got roped into it as well. To be honest I think Damon was just happy to have something to do. Since my brothers were gone during the day I think he got really tired of hanging out with all of the girls. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the guys working (or the mess they made in the process). They worked really hard in the heat and it turned out really nice. Damon isn't used to manual labor these days so he was pretty sore for about a week. I guess that's what he gets for sitting in a chair all day long with his soft dentist hands. :) I love ya honey!

Hannah helping to plant the corn. Sorry the rows aren't very straight, Dad. Hannah was just too much of a helper I think.

Farmers Damon and Lara.

One of Hannah's favorite things about Grammy and Grandpa's house (besides having a big yard to run around in, the dog, and cat) is the SWING! She loves to swing and would beg anyone who would listen and take pity on her to take her outside and swing. I think she only fell off 3 times. :)

My sister just had a baby on April 19 so we took advantage of having all three grandchildren (all girls) together to take pictures. The photo shoot didn't go very well though. Anna was fussy and started crying which then made Rya cry. Hannah tried to cheer her up but she wasn't the most cheerful thing herself. Oh well, it was funny trying and I'm glad we got the whole thing on video. This is what memories are made of.

Hannah, Rya, and Anna (before all of the tears started...Hannah looks very happy to be doing this doesn't she?)

Hannah trying to cheer Rya up. Hannah loved Rya. Rya is so good natured that she put up with Hannah trying to hold her, pick her up, and give her her pluggy (pacifier). We loved being able to spend time with Paul, Kim and Rya who were also visiting while we were there.

Uncle Greg and Hannah on the lawn mower. Hannah had so many people to play with and entertain her while we were there. She loved all of the did I!

We had a great time seeing everyone and were sad to leave. We love you all and wish we could see you more often!

1 People who care:

Carissa Poyfair said...

I can't believe how willing you were to plant a garden on your vacay. I still fight my parents on that when I visit! Anyway, it looks like you all had way too much fun and then you had to come back to reality (AKA Cleveland). We missed you though and we are glad you're back!