Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I want these!

So I was in Target yesterday and ran into a friend and her baby. Baby Tyler had a pair of socks on that looked similar to these:

Are these not the cutest little socks you've ever seen? I love them! She said she got them at Target but I didn't see any when I was there. So, if you're in Target, see if they have them and let me know because I think they are adorable. I also saw I could buy them online. The ones above are made by a company called Trumpette and they have quite a variety of cute baby/toddler socks and other things. They have boy's socks too.

And these tights are too cute!

7 People who care:

Emily said...

Those are super cute. I watch a little girl 3 times a week and she has some of those...I just love them. I've never seen then before at Target, but I'm not usually looking at girl socks. If I do, I'll let you know!

Carissa Poyfair said...

I was at the Mayfield Target last night and saw socks just like those in the baby section. Just so you know! Mayfield usually has more than the Warrensville Target. I think they are so cute! Shoes never stayed on my kids and these would have been so much easier and cheaper!

Carrie Anne said...

Those are really cute! You're so lucky you get to have another girl! I'm sure you are feeling so huge at this point. I was feeling super huge at this point, too, and then I went into labor and had baby #3 5 weeks early! So crazy! Good luck on these final weeks...you start to feel so huge I know!:) Good luck!

The Roderick Family said...

Very cute, I am so excited for you guys and another baby. Crazy how time flies, it was just yesterday that we were all in Rexburg!

Elise said...

Look at those chubby legs in the picture of the tights! I love it! Those are adorable! I forget about all the cute fun things you get to look for with a baby girl. How fun!

Jess said...

Hello! You are so cute pregnant! And those tights are way cute!

Summer said...

Yes! These are adorable! Have you seen the ones that look like cowboy boots for little boys? Oh my gosh! http://trumpette.com/store/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=398