Thursday, September 4, 2008

Myah's Blessing


On Sunday Damon blessed Myah in Sacrament Meeting. She was a good girl and slept through the whole thing. My brother Paul, his wife Kim, and their daughter Rya were able to come from D.C. to be with us on this special day. Our good friends Shawn, Bren, Wes, and Adam also stood in the circle. Myah wore the same dress that Hannah was blessed in (although we couldn't get the top button done up-the neck hole on that dress is TINY and Myah is quite a bit bigger than Hannah was!) which is the same dress that I was blessed in. My Grana made the dress for me and my three sisters were also blessed in it. It was a very special day-one that I will always remember.

My brother Paul, his daughter Rya, Me, and Myah (Rya and Myah are rhyming cousins....Hannah has one too, Anna)

Paul with his beautiful wife Kim and sweet little Rya.

Hannah giving Myah kisses....Yikes!

Daddy and Mommy with Myah on her special day.

Myah waving to all of her fans.

I love Myah's face in this one. Aren't those shoes too cute?

This is a rare picture, all of us together and looking at the camera too!

Sweet little Myah. We love you so much!

5 People who care:

Summer said...

Mayah is so beautiful! What an angel! AND she still has so much hair! I LOVE blessing days, they are so special.
Great pictures! They family pic you used for your new header is so cute - everyone is smiling! Good job!

Carissa Poyfair said...

I can't believe that blessing dress is still is such great shape! It is beautiful! Myah was so good during the blessing and the pictures turned out great. I'm so happy for you guys!

Andrea said...

I love the pictures! Wish we could have been there with you all. I can't wait for you to come for Rachel's wedding! Your little girls are such cuties! Love you!

Rachel said...

She is darling!! What a cute blessing outfit. Blessings are so fun!

Jon and Caprice said...

You family is so beautiful. I love all the pictures. That's awesome that so many little girls were blessed in the same dress. Dean was blessed in Jonathan's outfit, which was very special to me. Love you!