Friday, November 2, 2007

Thank goodness for moments of quiet reflection

Do you ever have those days when you think, "I love my job, but I need a break!"? I had one of those days yesterday. Even though my job is being a mom (a stay at home one at that) and I love it, sometimes you just feel like you need to run away from home. Hannah has had a cold and was whiny all day yesterday. After being cooped up at home (especially one one of the rare sunny days in Cleveland) I had had it. Luckily for me when Damon came home and we had dinner he told me to go out and do something fun. He tried to get me to invite various friends to go to ice cream or something, but I was just in one of those moods where I needed to get away by myself. So, I went to TJ MAXX and looked at sheets and comforters (am I exciting or what?) and then went to Target to check out the clearance Halloween costumes and candy. When I got home Hannah was thankfully in bed and I had 15 minutes to spare before The Office came on. Later after I had gotten over my selfishness I thought about my sweet little daughter. I was sad because I didn't get to kiss her goodnite or say prayers with her before she went to bed. I guess sometimes it takes little moments of reflection like that to make you appreciate the little things in life. I guess what I am trying to say is I love my life. I love being a mom. I love my sweet little daughter, she brings so much happiness to my life. Thank goodness for moments of quite reflection.

My little Hannah when I got home and kissed her goodnite. You can't really tell, but she's got her bottom sticking up in the air. She's the craziest sleeper!

5 People who care:

Emily said...

NO WAY!!! Miriam I'm so glad you found my blog! It's so funny because we were JUST talking about you guys the other day! Oh good old Rexburg and undergrad...

Okay so Hannah is SO cute! It's fun that she's the same age as Easton. Now you'll know what I"m talking about when I complain!

And, your Halloween costumes were SO CUTE! It's so fun to see your family again...even if it is just a picture.

SO you're in Cleveland doing dental school. But sounds like you only have one year left! How cool is that? Do you think you'll stay in Ohio or go somewhere else? This is a really long comment, but I was just so excited!

And finally...don't feel selfish at all for having a night to yourself, we all need it once in awhile. And TJ MAXX and Target are two of the best stores! Probably where I would have gone!

Okay I'll stop, I'm so glad you're blogging!

KTLADY said...

Hi Miriam! I think most of us can relate to that need for a little bit of freedom. Problem is, we end up beating ourselves up afterward feeling guilty for being selfish. Truth is it's so good, and when Momma's happy, then the rest of the family can be happy too! Hannah knows you love her, and she loves you even if you didn't get to say goodnight! :) Plus, I'm sure Damon is an excellent daddy. It's good for him to have one-on-one time with his baby girl. Sorry to go off... I just have had the same exact thing happen. I had to let go and realize I wasn't a bad mom for wanting a time-out. Oh, and I love the picture. I heard somewhere that you know your baby is still a baby as long as that rump is still in the air when they sleep! Too cute! Love ya! Katie

Lacy said...

I got your email with your new blog. How long has it been since we have talked....6 years maybe??? So good to finally have some kind of contact with you. We have to catch up. Your little girl is so cute. All us stay at home moms need a break sometimes...only I get one once a week...long story but because I already get one night off a week I feel even more horrible when I need a break during the week! Talk to you later.

Carissa Poyfair said...

What a cute post. I know exactly how you feel, although my main place to go alone is Target! There are plenty of times when you need a break as a Mom, especially when the kiddos are sick or something. And it is so obvious how much you love Hannah banana. But if you ever need to get out at night for ice cream or cheesecake or shopping, give me a holler!

Elise said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who ever gets this way. I've been needing a little alone time especially lately. You know it's bad when you're so excited to go to the dentist (aka Bren) and have your mouth poked and stretched for two hours just to have a little break from the kids! I think it's 10 times worse when kids are sick too, sick and whiny is a bad combo for my patience. But you are a fabulous Mom Miriam, don't feel guilty for taking a night to yourself. Aren't you glad you got to catch the office last week? It was pretty funny huh? Next time you need to get away, we should make it a girls night because chances are you're not the only one who feels that way!