Thursday, January 24, 2008

A fun tag (plus something to blog about)

HI All! I haven't had anything to blog about since the last post (thanks for all of the good book ideas!) and saw this on a couple of friends' pages so I thought I would do it. If I didn't my blog would be me whining about how lonely it is without Damon and how he's only called me once (that stinker!) since he's been in the D.R. and how I can't wait for him to come home Sunday night. But, since nobody wants to read a blog like that here is something more interesting about us.

How long have you been together? We will have been married for 5 years in April and together 5 1/2 years-ish.
How old is he? 28, 29 in March.
Who eats more? Probably Damon but I have my days.
Who said "I love you" first? I did.
Who is taller? Damon
Who sings better? Me, hands down (no offense Damon!) But, he can carry a pitch just fine-he just doesn't think he can. He's had no training or practice but he could be pretty good with it I think.
Who is smarter? In math and science and visual stuff, Damon. In English and reading and music,me. But I would probably say that he's smarter than I am.
Who does the laundry? I do but sometimes he helps me fold it.
Who does the dishes? Damon usually does because I have eczema on my hands :(
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are looking from the bottom of the bed, Damon sleep on the right. But this changes from time to time depending on Damon's bad hip.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who mows the lawn? Our landlord or someone he hires.
Who cooks dinner? I mostly do, but Damon helps sometimes and usually entertains Hannah so I have my hands free.
Who is more stubborn? This is debatable and right now Damon and I are at an impasse in our debate of who is more stubborn.
Who kissed who first? Depends on who you ask. Damon claims I kissed him first....but that is only the case if butterfly kisses count! I don't think so, so he kissed me first.
Who asked who out? Damon asked me out with a little (okay a lot) of help from his roommate, Danny. Danny and I were the same major and had a lot of classes together. The first class of the semester Danny got my phone number and told me Damon would call me that night (that is the short version of the story) and he did. We ended up going out the first weekend of the semester and the rest, as they say, is history!
Who proposed? Damon proposed to me (but I had to remind him to after he had given me the ring).
Who is more sensitive? Definitely me.
Who has more friends? I've never counted-we are both richly blessed.
Who has more siblings? Me. I have 5, Damon 3.
Who wears the pants in the relationship? I am more bossy and outgoing, but we make decisions together.

If you want to do this then you're tagged!

2 People who care:

Carissa Poyfair said...

I thought this post was really funny. I love learning more about you all. Did you find some fun movies and books this week? I hope you weren't too bored, and I hope Damon got to call you more than once!

Kim and Sean said...

That was a lot of fun to read. It was cool to read a little about you both. I hope that all is well for you and that you weren't too lonely without Damon. Take care. Kim