Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Roseola Day 2

So this morning Hannah woke up with even MORE spots! Other than that (and the fact that it's 9:00 and she's still screaming in bed) she's been her jabbery little self today. I'm hoping, for my sanity, that these things go away soon! I really need to get out of the house and don't want to deal with all of the looks when I bring my speckled baby with me.

8 People who care:

Carissa Poyfair said...

Poor Hannah (and you)! I hate when the kids are sick and you are stuck in the house. At least she's still happy little Hannah, except for the screaming in bed thing.

Kristin said...

Poor thing!! Hopefully it clears up soon so you can finally venture out of the house. At least you've got Damon back this week to help out!

B-Hams said...

I am sorry you are trapped in your house and that Hannah is sick! I hope she starts feeling better and you get your sanity back!

Haley said...

Treyson had that once, it looks worse than it is... I hope it leaves your house SOON!

Summer said...

Oh poor little gal! That does not look fun! I hope she gets better soon!

Elise said...

Oh Miriam, I'm so sorry that you had to deal with Hannah being sick and teething all while Damon was gone. Not fun! Poor Hannah, is she feeling okay besides the spots? I kind of feel your pain (but I know I had it way easier not being by myself), Eli cut three teeth in the two weeks the boys were gone, great timing huh? We need to get together now that we're back!

Emily said...

I'm so sorry she's still sick! It's SO hard to be cooped up inside all day. I hope she gets better soon!

Rachel said...

That looks so sad. Poor Hannah! I hope it gets better soon. It seems like everybody has something right now! Sick kids are so cute, but very demanding. Hang in there!